Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Return of the Living Dead Blog!

I'm baaaaaack!

Rested, re-energised and raring to go. Or something like that. And what better way to begin than by posting about the forthcoming 3rd Melbourne Zombie Shuffle?

What do we want? BRAAAAAAAINS!!!

When do we want em? BRAAAAINSSSSS!!!

Yes, a day of undead hi-jinks when rotting corpses (or at least a close approximation of same thanks to theatrical make-up) stagger the streets of Melbourne, drooling, twitching and generally staggering amok.

What fun! Will you join us?

Saturday, June 14, 2008
12:30pm - 3:30pm
Carlton Gardens and beyond
Cnr Rathdowne & Victoria
Melbourne, Australia


Cazzie!!! said...

LOL, I never ever knew that this event existed until now. And so..I shall attend it this year..marked on my calender, it looks like a fun event..and, I am laughing so much at the "Braaainnnsss!" thing!
It reminds me of the series that was on when I was a kid called "Night Stalker", do you remember that? When the reporter found a zombie and he had to try and sew up its mouth before it awoke....only for it to open its eyes..and I shat myself! Haha.

richardwatts said...

One of us. One of us. One of us...

And yeah, I remember Kolchak the Night Stalker well; although the tv series was never quite as good as the original telemovie from which it sprang, IMO.

Garry Shepherd said...

hey Richard, I remember the first one shuffling past my studio window in swanston st, and just thought bloody goths at it again, what are they doing walking around like that in broad daylight ? :)

I will give the 3rd one a plug on my site (shameless spam) and let's hope it doesn't rain on the day and wash off all that make -up ;)

garry shepherd

Tim Norton said...

heheh cool pic of leigh and pete

Sarah Stokely said...

Awesome and revolting photos. :)
I'll give the Zombie Shuffle a plug on Lifehacker AU this week. Enjoy. :)
